Re: MEDIA: Ray Kurzweil piece in Business 2.0

From: Emlyn (
Date: Wed Sep 20 2000 - 19:24:37 MDT

Has someone got more on this? It comes from the article posted below:

"We already have technology for electronic devices to communicate with
neurons in both directions that requires no direct physical contact with the
neurons. For example, scientists at the Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg,
Germany, have developed "neuron transistors" that can detect the firing of a
nearby neuron, or alternatively, can cause a nearby neuron to fire or
suppress it from firing. This amounts to two-way communication between
neurons and the electronic-based neuron transistors. The institute's
scientists demonstrated their invention by controlling the movement of a
living leech from their computer. "


----- Original Message -----
From: "Max More" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 9:44 AM
Subject: MEDIA: Ray Kurzweil piece in Business 2.0

> I don't think it's been mentioned yet, so here's a link to a piece by Ray
> Kurzweil in Business 2.0 (Sept. 26), titled "Dear PC: R.I.P." This is part
> of the issue's "Future Shock 2" feature, beginning with updated thoughts
> Alvin Toffler.
> Two other people in that issue that "get it" are Peter Schwartz and Newt
> Gingrich (yes, really).
> Max
> Max More,
> or
> President, Extropy Institute.
> Senior Content Architect, ManyWorlds Consulting

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