Re: Responsibility for children / Info Please

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Wed Sep 20 2000 - 03:56:10 MDT

Damien Broderick wrote:
> At 10:33 PM 18/09/00 -0700, samantha wrote:
> > As a human who happens to reside in female form, I am most interested in
> > your personal pov on forced-pregnancy and abortion.
> but later mentioned that she had started out male (and presumably is still
> XY in every cell), and hence, I'd have supposed, can have absolutely zero
> personal somatic interest in forced-pregnancy and abortion. Am I missing
> something crucial here?

I did not right the line at the top of your post. Misattribution. I
could have with zero contradiction since my hormones, genitals, social
gender presence, most mental gender differentiated characteristics and
so on are female. The last have been female from the beginning in major
particulars which is precisely why a change was necessary to this
phyiscal form. So why on earth would you assume I have no understanding
of female psychology and sensibilities just on the basis of having xy
chormosomes? Do you think the heart or most important part of gender is
chromosomal? I can name 6 or 7 aspects of what is usually termed

> Note: obviously *every* thinking and feeling adult human will have an
> interest in those topics, whatever form he or she happens to `reside in'
> (`instantiate' might be more valid). I'm just querying the `special
> interest' rhetoric. This issue will surely recur in a transhuman future, as
> we start to morph our appearance, and to some extent our inward impulses
> and experience (by hormone adjustment, etc), without actually changing
> certain pivotal self-parameters established or canalized in utero and
> during infancy and, later, by key shaping social experiences.

You are querying up the wrong tee as it were. On multiple counts. My
"inward impulses" or nature let me to morph the outside drastically. It
was precisely because my "pivotal parameters" were set out of wack in
utereo that the changes were necessary. Primary transsexualism has zero
to do with shaping social experiences.

- samantha

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