Re: God & stuff

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 23:38:26 MDT

>From: Doug Skrecky <>

> > > >"God does/does not exist" is an untestable hypothesis.
> > >
>Nazi experiment:
>Put 12 million Jews in concentration camps. Have them pray for their
>lives, and begin killing them one by one. See if God saves them.
>Yes, a few surviving rabbis no longer believe in God, because of their

I guess it depends on how you view that 50% filled glass of water. After
all the good guys won the war, the Nazi regime was utterly decimated, Hitler
was killed, more than a few concentration camp prisoners did survive, and
the Jews came out of it with their own State which is one of the best armed
and most prosperous in the world (certainly in the middle east anyway).

I'd say that's as good a case for the God-answers-prayers meme as any.


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