Re: Mutant bunny art

From: Barbara Lamar (
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 10:52:13 MDT

On Tue, 19 Sep 2000 10:06:48 -0400 "Michael S. Lorrey"
<> writes:
> Doug Jones wrote:
> >
> > Not to mention being easy dinner for every coyote, feral dog,
> large
> > house cat, owl, and eagle on the near side of the horizon. "Mmmm-
> > tastes like chicken!"
. You guys
> ever seen a
> great horned owl?

For years my chickens roosted in the trees without a problem. But last
year they were discovered by a great horned owl, who'd grab one each
night. (I've had at least one cat killed by a great horned owl. I
didn't see it happen, but the cat apparently struggled enough that the
owl dropped it, and I found the body with the characteristic holes in the
head from the owl's talons). So I had to make a sturdy, raccoon-proof
pen for them to stay in at night.

>Now, a better example is to use a wild
> turkey as your
> base organism, but make them gregarious with people.

That might work, yeah. And being larger, they'd give more light.


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