Re: just me

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Sep 18 2000 - 23:24:20 MDT

"Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:
> Actually, what Samantha describes is what is known as a hypnogogic trance, the
> same sort of phenomenon that is now thought to trigger sleepwalking, OOB
> experiences, and alien abduction experiences (which used to be thought of as
> visitations from the eldritch fairies). It has more, I think, to do with
> narcolepsy than epilepsy (having had two rather odd experiences myself once, and
> being a known narcoleptic from excessive caffiene use (its an odd allergy, that
> only comes up when I am taking about a half a pack a day of no-doze).

I don't think so. Hypnagogic trance is quite a bit different in the
literature I've read. There are also many different facets to
sleepwaling, OOB and alien abduction stuff. I don't think you can lump
all three together fully and certainly not under "hypnagogic trance".
Especially since hypnagogic effects are part of everyone's sleep cycle.
The experience I and others have described is not at all like being in a
trance condition. I have never experienced these other effects and as
far as I know am not prone to any of them.

- samantha

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