Re: Does the state-vector collapse?

Date: Mon Sep 18 2000 - 21:38:34 MDT

In a message dated 9/18/00 11:30:31 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

<< What Star Trek TNG episode transformed
 Captain Picard's outward appearance (but not his mind) so radically
 that the crew refused to follow his orders? See Deutsch's article,
 The Final Prejudice, at
 (Also has relevance to Barbara's point about "appearance" and humanity.) >>
There was also the Star Trek: Next Generation episode in which through a tear
in space, other versions and crews of the Enterprise were able to meet within
72 hours, accounting for 800,000 Picards and what not. From one cosmii the
Borg had annihilated all empires in the galaxy. Oh well. Deutsch is great.
Seth Lloyd is terrific, Stapp is pretty darn interesting with his neurlogics
and physics. There are so many great minds, however we need to take better
avantage of their creativity. Make better and new technology.

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