Re: God & stuff (was: Re: just me)

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Mon Sep 18 2000 - 00:50:38 MDT

At 05:23 PM 18/09/00 +1000, Emlyn wrote:

>"God does/does not exist" is an untestable hypothesis.

On the contrary. Here's one tried and true method:

Find a purported Son of God Who is co-extensive with God. Kill him. Watch
to see if the corpse comes back to life and ascends in Glory to Heaven. If
he just comes back to life but *doesn't* ascend, take tissue samples and
study closely before marketing miracle ingredient. Really, you have nothing
to lose either way (He'll forgive you for killing him, and anyway it only
stung for a moment).

Damien Broderick

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