Re: self-extracting zipware AI 'casting

From: Barbara Lamar (
Date: Sun Sep 17 2000 - 12:33:54 MDT

On Sun, 17 Sep 2000 17:46:45 +0100 Amara Graps <> writes:
> This happens several times to the main character in Charles
> Sheffield's
> _Tomrrow and Tomorrow_. Nice story.

Thanks, Amara, sounds like something I'd enjoy reading. The
personality-integration part sounds especially fascinating.
> I didn't look at your utexas URL yet, but I'll guess that it's
> closely
> tied to Ilya Progogine's work.

Actually, Prigogine is in a different "group" in the physics dep't at
UT--The Center for Statistical Mechanics. The field of nonlinear
dynamics seems to be very much interdisciplinary--I believe graduate
students can even choose the members of their committees from different

They're very generous about sharing their publications. Some are
available to download from the web, or they'll even mail printed copies
within the US. Much of the research is beyond my present level of
understanding , but some of it I can follow well enough to use the ideas
for my own purposes.


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