From: xgl (
Date: Sun Sep 17 2000 - 10:14:57 MDT
[in response to eugene's comment about frontal
lobe foci, which i inadvertantly deleted ... ]
more specifically, the temporal lobes. michael persinger has some
interesting hypotheses about this. here are some pubmed record headers.
1: Persinger MA.
Propensity to report paranormal experiences is correlated with temporal
Percept Mot Skills. 1984 Oct;59(2):583-6.
PMID: 6514502; UI: 85087769
2: Persinger MA, Valliant PM.
Temporal lobe signs and reports of subjective paranormal experiences in a
population: a replication.
Percept Mot Skills. 1985 Jun;60(3):903-9.
PMID: 4022738; UI: 85269544
3: Morneau DM, MacDonald DA, Holland CJ.
A confirmatory study of the relation between self-reported complex partial
epileptic signs, peak experiences and paranormal beliefs.
Br J Clin Psychol. 1996 Nov;35 ( Pt 4):627-30.
PMID: 8955548; UI: 97113708
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