Re: just me

Date: Sat Sep 16 2000 - 15:58:33 MDT

In a message dated 9/16/00 12:51:36 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<<The first time I remember it happening was when I was 5 years old. I
was examining a common everyday clothespin, the kind with the coiled
spring and the two pieces of wood. I was fascinated by its design and
action. As I played with it my mind ran around the loops of its spring
and its levers. Suddenly I "grokked" it. That kicked a whole sheaf of
images and understandings about different pieces of physics, properties
of metals, usages of those properties and principles, possible
inventions, implications, on and on it flew while I quite lost track of
"me". Most of it was in concept/picture/feeling/intuition form I had no
words for at all at that age and barely grasped the tiniest part of as
it flew threw me. And overarching all of it was this transcendent
being-ness. I remember/falling sitting down very hard and fast as I had
been standing when this happened. When it was over I tried to invoke it
again but I could not. Very powerful and haunting.>>

I have never had that experince myself, tho' I believe the Hindu's called it
Satori. My brother in law described something similar years ago watching the
waves come in on the beach, and a sense of the stars on the horizon and the
life in the shallows somehow being interconected, as one process etc. Also
there was in James Horgan's book, The End of Science, his own personal
parietal-lobe experience, when he claimed to have experienced God as a single
mind, many minds (psylocibin?).

<< Ever play with the notion that somewhere in this Universe some species
 of intelligent being may well have kicked off a Singularity and created
 one or more Singularity class intelligences? If they did who is to say
 that such Powers may not occassionally tickle the minds and cultures of
 developing species with ideas/images/memes leading to the creation of
 others of their kind and/or preparing for the acknowledgement of the
 existing ones? For that matter are we totally certain that our own
 Singularity will never have the ability to reach backward in time and
 influence the smoothness and particulars of its own becoming? What if
 some of the trascendent glimmerings of what most call God or Void or
 whatever are actually forebodings and/or backward or external reachings
 of such? Wildly speculative I know. Probably impossible to test or
 falsify. But something I can't rule out.
 It might even be a key useful in understanding and even pulling into
 some cooperation the world's religions.
 - samantha >>
Yes, its a compelling vision, so to speak. I, myself, am hung up on
monotheism, so I rather am mostly focused on a Single Mind, which the earlier
peoples called God. To me Mind is the central thing to study, cause that is
what makes us the thinking animals we are. Physics is now replete with
concepts that seem from our vantage point miraculous, so why not have Mind
being part of it. If that is not to someone's taste-so be it. What if these
insights and what-not eventuate in "God", however that is conceived. I am ok
with this as long as it doesn't remain a meme owned by bombers and torturers.
Maybe that is what you are instinctively involved with, taking God back from
the book-burners and fanatics?

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