Re: Xtians warn: Rock kills

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Sat Sep 16 2000 - 01:09:00 MDT

On Friday, September 15, 2000 6:55 PM Spike Jones wrote:
> > << Average Age at Death of Rock Stars 36.9 Years
> > Average Age at Death of Americans 75.8 Years
> >
> > Apparently Jesus listens to folk or something... Dr. J. Hughes >>
> wrote:
> > Now compare this to other faiths or the lifespans of atheists. If being
> > fundie ensures a life-span no better then other faiths or no religion,
> > what have then to say?
> Depends on what brand of fundie. Seventh Day Adventists have a
> longer than average lifespan. Dont have the URL. Anyone? spike

I've read/heard that on the news -- web and radio.

You also have to dig deeper. I bet it has little to do with faith and a lot
to do with socialization and perhaps some aspects of doctrine. On the
socialization part, I think it's been concluded in several studies that
people who belong to social groups -- which would include churches -- live
longer than those who do not on average. I suspect part of it might be
lower levels of depression and being monitored by other people. (Perhaps if
you're sick and alone, you might be more likely to get seriously sick.) I
also suspect it's just part of human nature to socialize so that, ceterus
paribus, socializing is beneficial across the board.

On the doctrine part, if you believe you're saved and you are centered, I
think you'll probably have less reason to be depressed about little things
in life. You might also channel bad stuff that happens to you more
constructively. These are, notably, psychological explanations, but I think
this has an impact on biology (overall health, immune system function,
etc.). I bet, too, suicide rates are lower probably because depression
rates are lower and because most of these religions tend to have a taboo
against it.

None of this is really reason to adopt one of these faiths. Only
package-dealing would force one to do that.


Daniel Ust

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