Re: species extinction fair & foul

From: Barbara Lamar (
Date: Thu Sep 14 2000 - 23:39:26 MDT

On Thu, 14 Sep 2000 09:58:10 -0400 "Michael S. Lorrey"
<> writes:

> Actually, the wolves are here, I've seen them with my own eyes, and
> I do know
> the difference between coyotes, wolves, malamutes, german shepherds,
> etc. The
> state wildlife offices, though, are preferring to call them 'large
> coydogs'
> because they don't want to freak people out.

Yeah, I've seen a wolf here on my place in central Texas as well. It
could have been someone's pet that ran away. I see all sorts of strange
animals wandering around here, most of whom have escaped from exotic game
ranches. Not long ago an emu showed up at my front yard. When the
bottom dropped out of the emu market, people started turning them loose
to fend for themselves, and apparently they've adapted rather well. So
far there aren't enough of them around to have much effect on the local


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