Re: Mad brain research

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Sep 13 2000 - 11:17:38 MDT

Damien Broderick wrote:
> At 09:24 AM 12/09/00 +0100, Amara wrote:
> >Viral theories also fit the facts known about schizophrenia.
> Not to mention the greater than chance tendency of psychiatrists and other
> health professionals to go crazy, and I suspect a higher proportion of
> their kids as well (leading to standard jibes about `physician heal thyself').
> I recall arguing the viral schizophrenia case about 25 years ago, but
> people tended to look at me as if I had a... virus...

I was under the impression that most, or at least many, shrinks go in to the
business as a result of their own mental illness.

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