Re: Bush vs. Browne (was Re: GUNS: Why here?)

From: Chuck Kuecker (
Date: Wed Sep 13 2000 - 10:14:18 MDT

At 08:54 AM 9/13/2000 -0500, zeb haradon wrote:

>>Could you point out some specific policies which discern Gore and Bush
>>from eachother enough that it will make a lot of difference in the amount
>>of freedom individuals have?
>>Not "positions", I mean specific policies. Gore's "position" on social
>>security is to keep it 100% public, Bush's is to privatize a very small
>>percentage (what % was it again?), which will still be confiscated from
>>you, but which you will be able to decide which government approved stock
>>it goes into. In terms of actual difference that will make in anyone's
>>life, it's not much, unless you consider it a first step towards dismantlement.

A first step is much better than no step, or a step back. At present,
NOTHING is happening that would give us more liberty.

I can only point to Bush's actions in the past re gun control and the
Second Amendment. I don't want to start up the whole guns thread again, so
that's all I will say on the subject. Gore's policies in this respect are
crystal clear, and scare the merde out of me.

I do not appreciate many of Bush's other past policies, such as removing
drug education and rehabilitation in Texas while increasing prisons, but
Gore offers no better solution there.

The best reason I can give for supporting Bush at this point is that if we
get more Libertarians in congress, or a republican majority, at least Bush
is unlikely to veto any good legislation they pass, such as the recent
repeal of the marriage tax penalty.

Chuck Kuecker

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