Re: GUNS: Why here?

From: David Lubkin (
Date: Tue Sep 12 2000 - 21:51:46 MDT

On 9/12/00, at 2:45 PM, wrote:

>Corey asks,
>> What exactly IS the relevance of the gun discussion to Extropianism?
>I think many contemporary issues have great relevance to Extropianism,
>not only guns, but abortion and drug policy as well.

As long as it doesn't dominate the list, I think discussion of
contemporary issues is essential.

Hal raises long-term concerns, viz., if society cannot adequately
cope with easy issues like guns, abortion, and drugs, how will they
cope with the far messier problems that will follow?

Which is a great reason to talk about them. But there's a bigger one
as well: The legal precedents and social climate surrounding these
commonplace problems can directly affect us *now*.

Gun policy directly affects whether I will live, no less than medical
technology. Will a wacko be armed? Can I be armed, to defend myself?

Drug policy directly affects whether I can buy nootropics or unapproved
life-extending meds.

As life-affirming as I am, I want the right to commit suicide, if only
to increase the likelihood that I could be frozen upon deanimation
without autopsy.

-- David Lubkin.

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