Re: GUNS: Why here?

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Sep 12 2000 - 12:54:40 MDT

"Corwyn J. Alambar" wrote:
> Okay, I've been wracking my brain for three days and I still can't figure this
> out.
> What exactly IS the relevance of the gun discussion to Extropianism?

This was a bit of thread drift off of a discussion about which presidential
candidate is a more extropic choice. I think most people on the list will agree
that individual liberty is a very extropic thing. Brian, James, Daniel, myself,
and others are apparently of the opinion that individual liberty will only exist
so long as the individual can defend themselves and their individual liberty
against the agressions of other individuals, groups, and governments, and given
the hostility with which candidates like Nader and Gore have toward both
individual liberty and the individuals ability to defend that individual
liberty, I think that we pretty much agree that neither of these candidates is
particularly extropic. Bush many not be much better, but he's more of the
'lesser evil' type candidate, because he is for preserving our individual
ability to defend our liberty, even though he may not be for every individual
liberty we support. While someone like Harry Browne comes closer than most every
other candidate to most extropian values, his practical ability to win the
election is about as good as a blind quadrapelegics chance of hitting a bull's
butt with a bass fiddle, and Gore actually has a decent risk of winning this
election despite himself. In this case its rather obvious what a 'rational'
choice to make is for an extropian: put Bush in the white house.

Granted the further discussion is of minimal importance to most of the list. I
do suggest that if people want to continue it, that they do so at my exi-freedom
list on egroups, which is there for the expressed purpose of discussion of
topics that the more militant 'hear no evil' members do not want to discuss.

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