Re: ART: What is Art/was ART: 3 exhibitions

Date: Tue Sep 12 2000 - 00:25:34 MDT

             ....ART IS NOT PAINTINGS

Non-tolerance vs. too much tolerance. YEAH yeah yeah ..YahdeYADA - either way
one man can't be in control of defining the large mechanism that is "art"..
I ask: why does one need to be self proclaimed Hottentot of that is which is
not one's arena?
Get busy. Marvel at the running river that is freedom of expression. Pull it
into you like air and breath deeply, drink deeply... my watch IS a piece of
art, trust me on that.

!!! This thread annoys me because it falls into the trap of minding other
people's art, initiating attacks, and issuing proclamations. Someone sent
some interesting "other" stuff to the list, Coolio!

Pshaw. Defining "what is" art. Yucko. That is nonproductive. At the very
least, there are so many better qualified people that I'd ask.

Have fun with it, make fun of it. Wear it lightly, like a gown you can take
off and throw aside.

Defining art within known boundaries is uninteresting and rigid.

Instead of being rigid and uninteresting, play in fields of color and form
and unity -- delight yourself with intricacies. Blow your own mind. Be
fruitful and sensuous. Eat of new mediums until you gorge yourself on images,
sound, senses and tonality. Taste the bitter beingness that other people
present you. Massage ideas into your temples and lay back and look/listen
to/at the hierarchies and systems.

Enter. Do not Enter.


If you are wondering what transhuman art is, get Natasha's book, it's that

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