Re: Homeless / perfect places

From: Brian Atkins (
Date: Mon Sep 11 2000 - 21:00:42 MDT

Sounds like you want to live in an abandoned subway tunnel in NYC :0
Ever watch that show Beauty and the Beast?

ankara wrote:
> >Removing the double negatives, I get:
> >>Silicon Valley is like Steppford. Its a fractal. No more flavorful
> >>artsy non-strip-mall community exists. (?)
> >Wait, less flavorless=more flavorful?
> >Please restate. spike
> Spike,
> Please pardon my faux pas. I meant to say it's a bland., sterile,
> homogenized suburban four-lane strip precisely punctuated by featureless
> chain stores.
> But that's just the opinion of person who feeds on opera, theatre, museums,
> architecture, and all manner of creative inspiration. Can anyone recommend
> the perfect place to live? Is anyone else interested in semi-off-the-grid,
> alternative-building materials housing? I'm thinking semi-subterranean and
> lead-lined......

Brian Atkins
Director, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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