Re: Extropian Progressives! Too!

From: James Rogers (
Date: Mon Sep 11 2000 - 13:06:44 MDT

On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> I'm a Nader Extropian. Since all the major candidates have such strong
> anti-Extropian positions, I'm for Ralph. His stance for legalizing Pot
> and most other drugs, Gay Marriage liberatarianism, Environmental
> protection, and ending corporate wealfare.

Not just no, but *HELL* no. Nader has an absolutely vile agenda. It
boggles the mind that you could consider almost total regulation of the
economy to be even vaguely extropic. And I find his concept of
"diversity" (which looks suspiciously like government mandated conformity
i.e. the legal exclusion of any lifestyles or life choices he doesn't like)
to be absolutely sickening. The Ralph Nader platform reads like what
every socialist uber-paradise was *supposed* to be (not that he would be
any more successful). Hardcore socialism through and through. With Nader
you can throw things like "choice" and "entrepreneurship" out the window.
Who is going to fund your technology venture when he puts a $200k/yr cap
on income? The government? Things would only happen if the government
decided that it was good for you and good for the government.

If the only things I lose by not voting for Nader are legalized pot,
environmental "protection" (arguable), and few other issues that the
government shouldn't be involved in in the first place, I find that very
acceptable in exchange for not utterly destroying progress as we know it.

So what exactly *is* a "Nader Extropian"?

-James Rogers

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