Re: Extropian Progressives! Too!

From: Pat Inniss (
Date: Mon Sep 11 2000 - 17:44:47 MDT

Regarding Greens, decentralization is a primary tenet of their philosophy,
which many Extropians would support, although it's not one of my personal
favorites. As far as Nader goes, however, he's not going to get my vote. He
recently surprised many by stating his opposition to Oregon's assisted
suicide law
_73nader26.frame). Such disregard of people's rights to control their own
fate puts him right back with the other candidates. I really can't figure
him out.


Pat Inniss

----- Original Message -----
From: "Waldemar Ingdahl" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: Extropian Progressives! Too!

> <snip>
> Your right! There are no philosophical inconsistencies whatsoever between
> extropianism and the Green Party. I' ll vote for the Green Party here in
> Sweden too. They' ll ban GM but, what the heck, they will crack down on
> business. And with a bit of extra technocracy we can all live in a toilet.
> But I really don't care about politics. I just wanna play a bit with
> computers. Extropianism isn't real anyway.
> Whoppie dooo!
> Walle
> (^-^)
> Cthuhlu for President!
> Sometimes I wonder why I care about these things
> _________________________________________________________________________
> <snip>

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