Re: Consciousness as PR (was: Why would AI want to be friendly?)

Date: Sat Sep 09 2000 - 15:06:45 MDT

Robn writes:
> Even if there is no direct pressure for truth, there may be indirect
> pressures. It all depends on what exactly the evolutionary function of
> consciousness is. It is obviously something social, and I alluded to
> a "PR" model, but that's still pretty vague. Even PR departments tell
> the truth sometimes.

When you speak of a "PR" model, do you mean that consciousness exists
(or appears to exist) primarily for the benefit of other people, rather
than for yourself? That is pretty much the case with PR departments.

Perhaps you are conscious in order to make you appear to be more
predictable and therefore reliable? Would consciousness do this, though,
if it does not actually affect decision making?

I'd be curious to hear more about what you mean...


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