Re: Meta Why I'm boycotting Extropy(TM)

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Fri Sep 08 2000 - 14:59:03 MDT

Brian D Williams wrote:
> From: Lee Daniel Crocker <>
> >> Try squeezing that into a political party.
> >>That's pretty much the LP platform as it is and always has
> >>been. Were you not aware of this or are you being facetious?
> Actually I currently favor probably a litle more
> structure/Government than the Lib party advocates. About 28% of the
> Republician party is actually composed of social libertarians, and
> thats where I'm most comfortable currently.
> I did vote for Harry last time, but the Second Amendment is at
> stake this time.

Only in respect to the Supreme Court. Getting Dubya to the white house is only
important in that he's likely to appoint 2-3 justices this term, and with US v.
Emerson coming up the line of the appeals court system, it's of paramount
importance that the SCOTUS be unequivocal in supporting Emerson's arguments. If
Emerson wins, not only will ATF lose lots of power, but gun control laws across
the board will be in peril or obsolete, because the Cummins decision on Emerson
is not considered to be narrow at all.

Gore has pretty much caved to the screaming hissyfits at HCI, Rosie, et al,
despite being pro-2nd during his earlier political career (he seems to have
flipflopped on so many issues, and he acts so robotlike, I wonder if he isn't
proof that aliens ARE here). ;)

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