Re: Homeless (was: Re: META: Why I'm boycotting Extropy (TM)

Date: Fri Sep 08 2000 - 07:54:33 MDT

In a message dated 9/8/2000 6:21:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> And the rise in homeless in Oz has been attributed to the conservative
> govt's growing crackdown on dole benefits, and closures of services.
Dole means welfare right?
Speaking for Los Angeles, which has millions of homeless... Los Angeles is
not worse after welfare reform, which has actually been beneficial... most
forms of welfare actually makes things worse here, IMO ...but in the early
80's when 'governor' Reagan's closed 70% of state run mental health
hospitals due to 'properety tax cuts' - shit hit the fan!
The effect of this tax cut was good for suburban property holders, and caused
a temporary prosperity surge, but it made it *really* bad for
renters/business owners in *cities* who suddenly had thousands of mentally
ill people thrust upon them, unmedicated with no shelter. It was an ugly

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