Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Fri Sep 08 2000 - 00:57:44 MDT

>From: "Jon Reeves" <>

>I've been reading this thread with interest (sorry - lurking again), and I
>think the question that is more to the point is "Why would AI want to be

>The notion that an SI would just wake up and decide to wipe out humanity
>strikes me as absurd

And another thing... The AI will surely read our history and may well
deduce that we are illogical, untrustworthy, violent, hateful and dangerous
(which as a matter of fact we have actually proven to be throughout all our
history). It may decide that the most "intelligent" way to view us is as an
unpredictable threat. And what's the intelligent response to a threat?


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