news article...

From: Skye (
Date: Thu Sep 07 2000 - 19:31:31 MDT

This is an excerpt from one of those "weird news"
mailing lists... and so has less of a chance of being
true, or even well reported... nonetheless, I thought
I'd post it here anyways, in case someone was
"Researcher Peter Cochrane of British
Telecommunications continues
development of his "Soul Catcher" brain-implanted
microchip that
he believes some day will be capable of recording all
of a person's
chemical reactions in all senses so as to capture "a
worth of experience and feeling," according to a June
New York
Times report. (Already, doctors at a Veterans
hospital believe they have trained a patient whose
ability to
communicate was shut down by a brain-stem trauma;
after an
implant, he can order a cursor around merely by
thinking of
where he wants it to go.)"

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