Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Wed Sep 06 2000 - 21:57:39 MDT

>From: Brent Allsop <>

> Also, communism is forced cooperation, which I don't believe
>is good at all. I believe the more we progress the more volunteer
>charity work is done. This is true even if we are spending less of a
>percentage of our total output on charity and philanthropy, the total
>work is still growing exponential along with everything else. You
>must admit that even in free market countries, there is ever
>increasing amount of charity work going on. Such provides a kind of
>minimum standard to all beings which is ever growing and improving.
>Hopefully this safety net will soon cross an important threshold and
>be able to guarantee at least survival for all sentient beings. Heck,
>I think even the Amish will be guaranteed their ability to remain
>human, live short suffering lives without technology, and so on and
>so forth for as long as they choose such, thanks to the supper
>advanced and intelligent beings very small charitable contributions
>which will make living lake that much easier than it is today?
> At the top end, though, let the competition continue, and may
>the best be that which is eventually adopted and chosen by all the
>rest. This isn't communism is it?

Well, yes and no. Ideally communism is a system in which all goods are
equally shared by the people. That sounds pretty close to the system you
are describing to me. Keep in mind that the social systems in China and the
former USSR are severely corrupted iterations of communism at best.
Communism doesn’t inherently require an iron curtain through which no
communist citizen can pass, or militaristic, repressive totalitarian
regimes. All you need for “pure” communism is a system by which each member
produces according to ver ability and consumes according to ver need. Isn’t
that what you are describing?


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