Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: Brent Allsop (
Date: Wed Sep 06 2000 - 13:29:02 MDT

xgl <> replied:

> but then aren't we enslaved by "the best"? enslaved by the
> very condition of our being?

        How can one consider knowing, absolutely, what is best, and
absolutely and deterministically always being able to chose and get it
as "enslaved"? One cannot chose, that which he does not want, it
makes no logical sense.

> most human beings want sex, yet many feel enslaved by this desire.

        Of course, now we're branching out to something a bit
different. Our creator (evolution I believe) has hard wired powerful
sexual joys to the stimulus of sexual behavior. In other words, if we
do certain sexual acts, we receive the reward of phenomenal sexual
pleasure. Of course, having some puppet master besides ourselves hard
wire such strings isn't free agency at all. Only when we can cut and
rewire such strings, such that we can want what we want to want, or
rewire ourselves to receive phenomenal joys for the stimulus which we
choose, can one truly be free.

        Won't it be great when we can make undesirable things like
paper work (or anything else we'd like to do but now hate doing) be
orgasmick or better? ;) Now that'll be true freedom! Imagine how
much we'll all get done with such abilities to want what we want to
want, and not what our creator hard wired us to want!

        Still, anything that makes us deviate from that which we
really want, even if it is hard wired pleasures, it destroys ones
freedom and makes them a slave to whatever is causing them to deviate
from choosing and getting what they really want right!?

                Brent Allsop

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