Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Sep 06 2000 - 12:23:13 MDT

Brent Allsop wrote:
> "Michael S. Lorrey" <> continued:
> > > Why do you not consider the "SI" as part of civilization?
> > > Things will happen at ever increasing rate as we approach the
> > > singularity, but this will occur for all of civilization right?
> > > Why/how would it occur to just one seed program all alone?
> > Because the SI will be developing at its own accelerated exponential
> > rates, while most of civilization will still be advancing at
> > strictly biological, or at best augmented biological rates.
> What, is some God going to come down and say to us
> "biologicals" 'though shalt not ever super augment our ability to
> biologically improve, and eventually cross over, upload, or to do
> whatever is required to keep up'? I certainly plan altering myself in
> any way necessary to keep up. Don't you?

Yes I do. I hope to do as much as possible. I do however, consider that the
biological rate of thought will act, at least for some intitial time period, as
a boat anchor to tie us down for at least a little while. That drag may act as a
stabilizer to restrain us from zooming off into incomprehensible insanity, or
may prevent us from reaching infinity until it is shucked. I don't know, and I
also don't know which will come first, human mind uploading or SI creation....

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