Re: Bugs in Anarchy was: Bugs in Free-Markets.

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Sep 06 2000 - 11:35:33 MDT

Waldemar Ingdahl wrote:
> >From: Eugene Leitl <>
> No equivalent of
> >neoludd PETA is going to pump you full of lead in the parking lot in
> >front of your house yet,
> The word is "yet". But watch them gain political power since no one
> contradicts them. But it perhaps wouldn´t have to come to that, since my
> transhumanism would be impossible to practice in a negative cultural
> climate.

Actually, guys, a recent post to "The Rabblerouser", which is the email list of
the Animal Liberation Front (which I subscribe to), detailed how the ALF is now
firebombing the private cars at the private homes of employees of Huntingdon
Life Sciences, an animal testing company that they have repeatedly raided. A
couple of these cases involved the cars causing the homes to catch on fire,
where children were sleeping. The police were rather surprised to not be
investigating it as a murder case considering the amount of damage done.

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