Re: John Stossel special re-airing tonight

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Sep 05 2000 - 12:28:49 MDT

"J. Goard" wrote:
> At 12:19 AM 9/6/00 -0400, Michael S. Lorrey wrote:
> >...if a guest wants to repeatedly enjoy use of
> >club grounds without becoming a member, they usually pay higher greens fees.
> Pretty exclusive club, to make an educated professional jump through hoops
> for membership, while a substantial fraction of its current membership
> enjoy professional wrestling and can't locate Europe on a map.

While I understand the sentiment, I've often thought that citizenship should not
be automajically conferred with birth, but earned through merit (Pournelle's
concept of the planet Sparta being such an example), and you could argue that
heritable citizenship is technically inconsistent with the Constitution
prohibition on inherited titles, your statement forgets the logic that once you
are in, you are in for life, and anyone that is out, is out. Of course, some
members get by 'on scholarship'.... ;)

Kinda like being appointed to the Supreme Court, once you are there, there's not
much they can do to you. Notice how Clarence Thomas doesn't give a rats patooty
what NAACP, et al think of him (not that he cared much before), but there is
nothing they can do to him once he passed the 'high tech lynching' the media put
forth. There was a funny skit on SNL several years ago with people playing the
various justices, and the new justice, Thomas, acting all Uncle Tom-ish with
everyone, getting them coffee, etc. until they tell him that he doesn't have to
worry about keeping people happy, that he's in for life. His attitude changes,
he kicks back, and when someone asks for more coffee, he says, "Git yo own damn

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