Re: Bugs in Anarchy was: Bugs in Free-Markets.

From: Emlyn O'Regan (
Date: Tue Sep 05 2000 - 12:40:34 MDT

> To reiterate what I said earlier - the biggest bug in our so-called
> free-market
> is that everything is up for grabs (freedom, justice), where he with the
> most
> money wins.
> Paul Hughes

It's not a bug, it's a feature.

The usual method of coping with this "bug" is to do a bit of redefinition,
by saying that only those who deserve to get money actually get it. It's
their reward for greatness. If they were undeserving, they'd have no money.

Of course, this means that those with no money are undeserving. Simple

So maybe freedom, justice, power, privilege, are all up for grabs. That's
good! It means they actually go to the deserving. If people really deserved
justice, say, they'd make a lot of money, and buy it. If they can't afford
it, they are obviously lazy or stupid, or else haven't set their priorities
correctly. There's a great discussion of this idea in the archives
somewhere, centering on a ficticious human liver-eating billionarre, which
is rather enlightening.

So where's the problem?

Let them eat cake.

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