My reply to Memepool

From: Terry Donaghe (
Date: Tue Sep 05 2000 - 10:13:08 MDT

Re: My previous posting about Memepool's calling us wackos. :)

<Letter starts here:>

I hope this won't be the only response you receive for your recent
comparison of transhumanists to wackos, because I'm going to be pretty
darned brief.

First, thanks for the coverage. Any coverage is better than none at all.

Second, take a look at my site: - there you'll
find tons of linked stories from major and respected news sources concerning
technological advances. Technology is accelerating at a rate that what once
seemed impossible is today routine - eg. manipulation of individual atoms.
Also, check out - on this site you'll see that
nanotechnology is not some impossible pipedream but an inevitable result of
today's technology. Scientific American, Forbes, and many other mainstream
sources recognize that our world is about to be transformed utterly by some
of these new technologies. Ignore them at your own peril. I'm sure that
buggy manufacturers made fun of the early automobile manufacturers.

Again, thanks for the great coverage. Read some more about these
technologies and perhaps you'll see that while we may be wackos we may not
be so far from reality after all.

<End of Letter>

Terry Donaghe: Your source for emerging technology news.

Try and open your mind.

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