Re: Bugs in Anarchy was: Bugs in Free-Markets.

From: John Clark (
Date: Mon Sep 04 2000 - 22:32:31 MDT

Paul Hughes <> Wrote:

>In case you haven't been following the most poignant recent example
> against civil rights I suggest you get yourself aquatinted with the
>DeCSS trial at Not only has Judge Kaplan
>said that code is not protected speech, but that even linking to such
> code is also illegal.

The decision was certainly unjust and stupid, but I remind you it was not made
by a corporation, it was made by a judge appointed by a politician who got
the job because of his white teeth, pleasant smile, and really nice haircut.

>Would I be out of line by saying that some people who calls themselves
>free-marketeers are also in fact just closet tyrants with a knack for making
>money, just waiting to take over?

Yes, so I'd advise you not to say it.

         John K Clark

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