Birth Control Pill for Men

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Mon Sep 04 2000 - 19:02:33 MDT

CNN reports that a study was just released that shows promise for men who
wish that there were birth control medications for men analogous to what
women have enjoyed for many years. Researchers have discovered a chemical
that, when administered orally in combination with the administering of
testosterone implants, completely stops sperm production in men. There are
minor side effects such as acne, mood swings (heh heh heh - this will be an
interesting role reversal for their partners to deal with), elevated blood
pressure, an increase in appetite and weight gain, etc.

Less than 100 people were involved in the studies, which took place in
several countries. Large scale studies are expected to begin at the end of
the year 2000. The pharmaceutical company that manufactures this promising
new male contraceptive (N.V. Organon in the Netherlands) says that they
anticipate having something on the market by the year 2005. It would be in
the form of a pill or an implant or both.

If you are interested, you can read the entire article here:

Such a medical advance could be a great boon for men: it would allow men to
finally have the kind of control over their bodies and financial/parental
futures that women have been enjoying for years. It would enable men to
avoid the "shotgun wedding" situations some women get them into and to avoid
paying child support for children they never agreed to conceive in the first
place. Let's hope that the pharmaceutical company can pull this one off.


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