Re: Bugs in free markets.

Date: Sun Sep 03 2000 - 16:56:46 MDT

> Hal wrote:
> > Corporations are a matter of people getting together cooperatively to
> > organize their efforts. How can it be evil for a group of people to
> > voluntarily organize, and to offer jobs to others? Every aspect of
> > the process, from the formation of the corporation, to the job offer,
> > to the acceptance, is voluntary and agreed to by all concerned.
> ...

James Wetterau points out,
> Actually, corporations receive limitations on their liability.

Yes, of course this is right, I was ignoring this aspect in my brief
description because the original concern seemed to relate to other
aspects of corporations than liability limitation. Their size, their
political influence, their heirarchical structure and ability to fire
people at will, all were named as threats, and it was to this that I
wanted to respond.


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