Re: Simplify! A modest proposal...

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Sun Sep 03 2000 - 06:02:11 MDT

At 11:19 PM 2/09/00 -0400, Eliezer the Stern wrote:

>> `Vernans' has a rather sweet, disarmingly *green* feeling about it...

>Are you sure you're not thinking of "Verdans" or "Viridians"?

No, possum, I'm thinking of

ver'nal, adj: of, or pertaining to, spring

You know, the wonderfully green Springularity.

>Anyway, all of this misses the very deep point that the Singularity is not
>about the people who invent it, or promote it, or defend it, or whatever.

Obviously. So forget about a fancy cult name.

Damien Broderick

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