Re: David Bowie

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Fri Sep 01 2000 - 11:09:34 MDT

From: Clint Walker <>

>" There's the conundrum of how one is supposed to , as they say,
>"stay young" Well I don't believe it has anything to do with young
>- because I know a lot of young people who have absolutely no
>enthusiasm for life whatsoever - and deal with it very
>passively..... I believe it has to more to do with staying in
>touch with the society in which you live and not loosing sight of
>those things that keep you excited" - David Bowie

>This from a man who is looking veery good at age +/- 54 years, is
>wealthy, married to a supernmodel, has his own Internet ISP site
>(BowieNet), involved with fine arts, stage productions, has
>released three albums in the last few years and the list goes on
>and on ... despite the fact that he smokes, gallons of coffee and
>doesn't enjoy exercise! I wonder if this longevity has anything to
>do with the fact that he was known as the "Thin White Duke at one
>stage. Could this be the result of unintentional calorie
>restriction - despite the periods err experitments with mind
>expanding substances ;-)

Keith Richards in an interview said that Bowie was the hardest
partyer he'd ever met. He went on to recount how they had been
partying for a couple of days before Richards hit the sack, he said
when he awoke a day later Bowie was still going..... Supposedly
Bowie is a longtime speed/cocaine user.

I should say that Bowie has always been one of my favorite artists,
a few years back he got them to do a bond issue based on a
collection of his earlier and future works, it sold out no problem.

He continues to innovate....


Extropy Institute,
Adler Planetarium
Life Extension Foundation,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
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