Re: Corpocracy: End of Freedom & Private Ownership?

From: Rik van Riel (
Date: Fri Sep 01 2000 - 09:07:25 MDT

[Non-member submission]

On Fri, 1 Sep 2000, CYMM wrote:

> PAUL HUGHES SAID: '...-> Already Microsoft has put into some of their
> licensing agreements
> stipulations forbidding any user of their service from disparaging the
> company in any way. In other words, as long as your using a Microsoft
> product (damn, I mean service) you have no freedom of speech"


> CYMM SAYS: If MS were a real monopoly; it would be poor
> marketing. Now, with Open Source, this strategy seems to be
> plain stupid. "Intellectual property" as a concept has gone
> wayyy too far. The pendulum is about to swing the other way...
> it's a built in negative feedback loop.

Except that they're using patent law (and trade secret law
extended to infinite patent law?) to try and remove open
source software from the marketplace.

And with patent examiners being paid depending on how many
patents they /approved/ (and not on how many they examined
or on the quality of their work), I can't really see this
situation improving ...

(good thing I'm not in the land of the free)



"What you're running that piece of shit Gnome?!?!"
        -- Miguel de Icaza, UKUUG 2000 

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