HUMOR: Eliezer in the mass media

From: John Grigg (
Date: Thu Aug 31 2000 - 04:04:18 MDT

[Non-member submission]

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Eliezer wrote:

I hereby appeal to everyone on the list to send me a complete list of =
the books in which I appear. The ones I know about are:=20

"The Spike" by Damien Broderick=20
"Design for Dying" by R.U. Sirius and Timothy Leary=20

I would also like to know about any major media appearances - mentions =
in magazines, articles in the New York Times, debates on 60 Minutes, PBS =
docu-dramas based on my true story, interviews on the nightly news, et =

Thank you for your cooperation.=20


You were on nightline a few days ago. There was you, Al Gore and George =
Bush. Gore called you a "genius among the upcoming generation." You =
said at the most you were only brilliant and enjoyed tv like anyone =
else. =20

Bush called you a "brainiac" and said he would have never allowed you =
into his fraternity. Than you challenged Bush to spell the word =
Brainiac. It just went downhill from there with poor Ted Koppel trying =
to restore order...

You made a guest appearance on the show V.I.P. which stars Pamela =
Anderson as the head of a bodyguard agency. Some renegade government =
agents are trying to kidnap you and make you give up the secrets of the =
singularity institute. A wealthy friend hires Pamela and her girls to =
protect you. =20

I just couldn't get over the torrid love scene you and Pamela had on the =
floor of the singularity institute! The censors must have been asleep =
at the wheel! I hear her husband Tommy Lee is stalking you now because =
of it... =20

Oh, and there was the ten hour long series by Ken Burns(of the acclaimed =
civil war series) who did your biography. I held back the tears as the =
narrator's rich voice read your posts to the extro list with violin =
music playing in the background. I never knew learning about A.I. could =
touch me so deeply... =20

I could not believe it when 60 Minutes did their "ambush journalism" on =
you! They stormed into your study, past your secretary and security, =
demanding to know what the true aim of the singularity institute was. =
Harry Reasoner would yell, "stop lying Eli!" everytime you said you were =
trying to simply expand the boundaries of human knowledge. =20

Finally, when you admitted to wanting to take over the world Reasoner =
was satisfied. Than the rest of the argument focused on just how =
malevolent you would actually be. =20

And we must not forget the slender publication "Eli, he's so sexy =
smart!" It was done by the same people who publish the Sweet Valley =
High series which knows no end. I could tell the book was aimed toward =
geek grrls who are looking for a cyberryfic guy to fantasize about. It =
was right next to the N'Sync bios...=20

I have heard you were also cryptically mentioned in the Bible, the =
quatrains of Nostrodomus and have even had your likeness appear on =
potato chips. =20

  But on a sad note I read the indepth article about you in the National =
Enquirer. I didn't know you had a raging drug problem and had thrown =
punches at photographers. Wait, I had you confused with Sean Penn for a =
moment there...

You were in the Weekly World News though. In fact you got there cover =
story. It showed you getting married to a space alien. I called them =
up and asked if the story were true. =20

The reporter laughed and said no, but that you told them for the =
original story that you were going to put the world on it's ear with =
what you called a singularity brought on by seed AI. They decided to =
run with a story more likely for the public to believe...

Lastly, there was your appearance on the Howard Stern show. I think =
it's best you not remember that one.....

best wishes,

John Grigg : )

P.S. I do look forward to your upcoming interview in Playboy. =20


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Eliezer wrote:

I hereby appeal to everyone on the list to send me a complete list of =
the books in which I appear. The ones I know about are:

"The Spike" by Damien Broderick
"Design for Dying" by R.U. Sirius = and=20 Timothy Leary

I would also like to know about any major media appearances - = mentions
in=20 magazines, articles in the New York Times, debates on 60 Minutes,
PBS=20 docu-dramas based on my true story, interviews on the nightly news,
et = cetera.=20

Thank you for your cooperation.


You were on nightline a few days ago. There was you, Al Gore = and
George=20 Bush. Gore called you a "genius among the upcoming=20
generation." You said at the most you were=20 only brilliant and enjoyed
tv like anyone else.

Bush called you a "brainiac" and said he would have never allowed you =
into=20 his fraternity. Than you challenged Bush to spell the word =
Brainiac. =20 It just went downhill from there with poor Ted Koppel trying
to restore=20 order...

You made a guest appearance on the show V.I.P. which stars Pamela =
Anderson as=20 the head of a bodyguard agency. Some renegade government
agents = are trying=20 to kidnap you and make you give up the secrets of
the singularity=20 institute. A wealthy friend hires Pamela and her girls
to protect=20 you.

I just couldn't get over the torrid love scene you and Pamela had on =
the=20 floor of the singularity institute! The censors must have been =
asleep at=20 the wheel! I hear her husband Tommy Lee is stalking you now =
because of=20 it...

Oh, and there was the ten hour long series by Ken Burns(of the =
acclaimed=20 civil war series) who did your biography. I held back the
tears as = the=20 narrator's rich voice read your posts to the extro list
with violin = music=20 playing in the background. I never knew learning
about A.I. could = touch me=20 so deeply...

I could not believe it when 60 Minutes did their "ambush journalism" =
on=20 you! They stormed into your study, past your secretary and =
security,=20 demanding to know what the true aim of the singularity
institute = was. =20 Harry Reasoner would yell, "stop lying Eli!" everytime
you said you were = trying=20 to simply expand the boundaries of human

Finally, when you admitted to wanting to take over the world Reasoner =
was=20 satisfied. Than the rest of the argument focused on just how =
malevolent=20 you would actually be.

And we must not forget the slender publication "Eli, he's so = sexy=20
smart!" It was done by the same people who publish the Sweet = Valley
High=20 series which knows no end. I could tell the book was aimed =
toward=20 geek grrls who are looking for a cyberryfic guy to fantasize =
about. It was=20 right next to the N'Sync bios...

I have heard you were also cryptically mentioned in the Bible, the =
quatrains=20 of Nostrodomus and have even had your likeness appear on
potato = chips. =20

  But on a sad note I read the indepth article about you in the =
National=20 Enquirer. I didn't know you had a raging drug problem and had
= thrown=20 punches at photographers. Wait, I had you confused with Sean =
Penn for=20 a moment there...

You were in the Weekly World News though. In fact you got there = cover=20
story. It showed you getting married to a space alien. I = called them=20
up and asked if the story were true.

The reporter laughed and said no, but that you told them for the =
original=20 story that you were going to put the world on it's ear with
what you = called a=20 singularity brought on by seed AI. They decided to
run with a = story more=20 likely for the public to believe...

Lastly, there was your appearance on the Howard Stern show. I = think=20
it's best you not remember that one.....

best wishes,

John Grigg : )

P.S. I do look forward to your upcoming interview in = Playboy.


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