RE: Robotics/ALife: Computer Makes Robot Offspring

From: Terry Donaghe (
Date: Wed Aug 30 2000 - 20:48:16 MDT

Also, Visit this site and download the GOLEM@Home screensaver. It's like
SETI@Home, but it uses the same evolutionary robot creation program
discussed in the article Ziana told us about. I loaded it at work. It's
pretty darned cool. The robots start off VERY wussy, but now I have 3
legged robots (huh huh) zooming all over the place. And - since it's
distributed computing, the readme file says that creatures (what they call
the robots) may migrate from your PC to another PC somewhere on the network
and vice-versa. Also, as the "creator" of the creatures, you're given a
copyright (though I'm not sure what good that does) for whatever designs
your computer comes up with. I'm leaving my computer running all night - it
oughta be fun to see what's spawned by tommorow morning.

GOLEM@Home info site.

Check for a couple more links (including the previously
mentioned one).

Terry Donaghe: Your source for emerging technology news.

Try and open your mind.

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