Re: E.S.P. in the Turing Test

From: James Rogers (
Date: Wed Aug 30 2000 - 14:21:52 MDT

On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> James wrote:
> > This isn't dogmatic. Rather, it is the efficient use of finite resources.
> > If you have useful theories with regard to the questions above, let them
> > be examined on their own merits. Just don't bring any sacred cows to the
> > party, because they are as likely as not to be slaughtered.
> Like a belief in the singularity?

Hardly a sacred cow, and an arguable topic that has been debated on this
list in the past. Check the archives if you want some background.
Personal beliefs on singularities (not even necessarily "The Singularity")
vary widely on this list, as is evidenced in the list archives.

Come to think of it, *very* few things seem to be universal among
extropians; there has been open contention on just about every issue I can
think of.

-James Rogers

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