Re: new sports

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Aug 29 2000 - 13:17:32 MDT wrote:
> Wilson wrote on Tue, 29 Aug 2000 08:31:11 -0400
> ------------------
> >"Scatbording?"
> That sounds messy.<
> Ha ha! Typo. (Could be quite messy if it's a Greek skatboard;
> but probably a bit more harmonizing if the scatboard is riffing
> on a Sara Vaugh Blues tune.
> Etymology: perhaps from Greek skat-, skOr excrement -- more at
> SCATOLOGY; Date: 1927
> : an animal fecal dropping
> Etymology: origin unknown; Date: 1929
> : jazz singing with nonsense syllables

surfing in the LA or New Jersey areas would qualify as 'Skat' boardinig... I've
seen the water...

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