"Good Shot" Update

From: Ian Goddard (Ian@Goddard.net)
Date: Mon Aug 28 2000 - 10:15:07 MDT


   (c) 8/28/00 Ian Williams Goddard

   On August 4th I posted an audio file from a videotape
   made by a member of the FBI SWAT team at a sniper nest
   outside Mount Carmel in Waco on the day that Mt Carmel
   burned down (http://www.erols.com/igoddard/goodshot.htm).
   The cameraman is a couple hundred yards from Mt Carmel.
   On the tape, as you watch Mt Carmel burn a gunshot sound
   is heard followed by voices near the camera that appear
   to say "Good shot?" followed by "A good shot!" This may
   be a snipper asking his spotter if his shot hit a target
   followed by the spotter confirming it was "a good shot."

   After I posted that audio I contacted Mark Swett. [1]
   Swett is one of the people who transcribed audio tapes
   from bugs planted inside Mt Carmel. His transcriptions
   suggest that the Davidians started the fire. About the
   "good shot" audio track, Mark reported the following:

     "I picked up five shots. The beginning of the
     audio has what may be a shot that I include in
     the five - most in the distance, but one towards
     the end is closer to the video mic. The dialogue
     sounds like 'good shot' followed by 'good try.'"

   The straightforward interpretation of men near the
   camera saying "Good shot ... Good try" is basically
   the same as their saying "Good shot? ... A good shot!"
   with the exception that in the first case the shot was
   a miss. Both interpretations suggest a scene where men
   are shooting at targets and commenting on the accuracy
   of the shots. About another audio clip from the same
   SWAT-team tape, [2] Mark Swett offered this analysis:

     "I picked up six shots. The dialogue sounds
     like 'Bullseye' twice followed by 'ha-ha-ha.'
     The last portion is heard as 'good hit.'"

   Having found possible evidence of Davidian culpability in
   his analysis of the Mt Carmel audio tapes, nobody could
   rightfully suggest Swett hears what he wants to hear due
   to an anti-government bias, and the easiest explanation
   for what he and others of us hear is that the voices are
   some men a couple hundred yards from Mt Carmel shooting
   at targets and commenting on the accuracy of the shots.
   Moreover, if Swett's hearing of gunshots further and
   closer is accurate, a possible interpretation is that
   not all shots heard can be attributed to coming from one
   location, such as Mt Carmel, and thus they may be either
   a long-range gunfight or shots from several sniper nests.


   While the majority of respondents agree that they hear
   "Good shot," someone suggested that the two statements
   are "I been shot" followed by "I've been shot." The
   second statement can sound like that if you listen with
   that in mind. However, after using the "noise reduction"
   function in the Goldwave.com program, [3] I could not
   be more sure that it's: "Good shot? ... A good shot!"

   A big problem with the "I been shot" interpretation
   is explaining why anyone would say that. If it was an
   agent joking around after hearing a Davidian gunshot,
   there is no joking quality to the voice. If it was a
   person actually being shot, there are no sounds that
   follow the alleged "I been shot" statements that would
   corroborate the hypothesis that someone was shot. One
   might expect to hear agonizing moans or cursing if in
   fact the speaker had been shot. Instead there is no
   further talking for some time (except as a voice breaks
   in over a police-type radio), and when the voices in
   the background return, the atmosphere is casual and
   you even hear people laughing. Nobody got shot there.

   Other suggested interpretations are "Got a shot" or
   "Gun shot" instead of "Good shot." Let me know what
   you hear: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/goodshot.wav
   Same file with Goldwave.com "noise reduction" applied:


   I recently acquired a second VCR so I could fulfill
   several requests for copies of the SWAT-team tape and
   the Waco FLIR. If you are interested in copies of the
   Waco SWAT-Team video or the Waco FLIR, I can send you
   a copy, all I ask is 7 dollars per tape (check or m.o.
   to Ian Goddard, PO Box 10235, Rockville, MD 20849-0235)
   to cover all costs. Each tape is approximately an hour.
   My master copy of the Waco FLIR is a copy of Davidian
   attorney James Brannon's copy and the visual clarity
   is superior to that seen in any of the popular Waco
   documentaries. The FLIR covers everything that was
   analyzed by Carols Ghigliotti and Dr Edward Allard.
   Unfortunately the SWAT-Team tape is of a poor visual
   quality and much of it is meaningless footage of cattle
   and the countryside around Mt Carmel. The cameraman then
   does a tour of the sniper nests on the last day. As Linda
   Thompson, who initially acquired the tape, says, there's
   a lot of surprising intelligence on the SWAT-Team tape.
   The audio files on-line sound as good as on the tape.

[1] Mark Swett's Waco website: http://home.maine.rr.com/waco
[2] Images from Linda Thompson's Waco II: The Big Lie Continues:
[3] SWAT-team-tape audio where "Good shot? A good shot!" is said:
http://www.erols.com/igoddard/goodshot.wav Goldwave.com enhanced:
http://www.egroups.com/files/WacoInvestigations/goodshot4.wav I do
not know why the Goldwave.com "noise reduction" changes the roaring
of the wind into weird Star Wars noises but the voices are clearer.
Be sure to hear the infamous track from the SWAT-team tape where
a SWAT-team member being praised brags that he is "HONED KILL":

GODDARD'S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm
Asking the "wrong questions," challenging the Official Story


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