Re: innumeracy

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Aug 27 2000 - 22:02:10 MDT

> Spike Jones writes:
> > I was shopping today and the parking spaces next to the
> > store had a big sign that said "15 minutes only, between
> > 8 a.m. and 9 p.m." There are 780 minutes between 8am and 9pm....
> Matt Gingell wrote: The World Trade Center has lots of engraved signs
> reading "No trespassing violators will be prosecuted." That sounded
> like a rather friendly policy till I did a double take and put the
> comma in...

I saw an even worse one today. The local cop car had a big sign saying:

STAY BACK, Police Dog.

Nowthen, Im sure the boys in blue are frustrated from the K9 hoisting
a leg on the tires once too often, but they should know that dogs cant
read. spike

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