RE: Scientology (was: Re: Limits of tolerance)

From: phil osborn (
Date: Sun Aug 27 2000 - 18:47:16 MDT

>From: "altamira" <>
>Subject: RE: Scientology (was: Re: Limits of tolerance)
>Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 01:29:48 -0500
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> > []On Behalf Of phil osborn
> > Thus, a philosophically naive person, thru his or her willingness
> > to accept
> > such nonsense as part of the "training," could easilly lose all grip on
> > reality as we know it, at least on a cognitive level.
I think they
>even kicked him out of the church when he asked for his money back, and
>though he'd been so shabbily treated, his greatest desire seemed to be to
>get back into the Church. It was quite pathetic.
>I don't think the CoS is any worse than other religions, but all religions
>have the potential of being deadly, and this one seems more dangerous than
>many others because it's on the rise, in its fanatic stage rather than
>a mature religion.
BTW, anyone heard of or from Laurence Gale lately? He was one of the
original founders of Alcor (originally Manrise), quite smart guy. Then he
disappeared as far as I've heard - nothing since the mid-80's.

Anyway, reason I thot of Laurence: He was once fairly high up in the
Dianetics Org in England, had gone "clear" long before, was an auditor.
Then he returned to the U.S. and introduced himself to the U.S. local
scientology organization, where they informed him, after standard testing,
that he had all kinds of engrams, etc., and would have to start over from
zero. He decided that this pretty well demonstrated that any claim to
scientific validity on their part had been reduced to near zero and left

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