Re: Human ID implant to be unveiled soon

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Fri Aug 25 2000 - 22:05:56 MDT


> > You bring up a good point however. As society becomes more
> > the prudish must be displaced from positions of power, replaced by the
> > tolerant and cool. This is kinda already happened in the Silicon
> > the charge being led by those who started Apple. spike
>Spike, I'd like to think that this is automatically true, but I don't think
>it is. Small rural communities were very transparent in the past, and they
>weren't necessarily characterized by high levels of tolerance. Check out
>"The Crucible"

Small rural communities differ from a transparent world in one huge way.
People who live in small rural communities tend to have a common culture.
They go to the same churches, belong to the same organizations and because
the community is small, each member tends to have a much greater influence
on his friends and neighbors than he would have living in, say, New York
City. Whereas in a ubiquitous transparent society, the culture would be an
amalgam of many disparate cultures (again like you have in New York) and
since no one culture will hold sway over any other, tolerance will be the
natural result, as you have (for the most part) in New York.


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