LEF: 2000/08/25 update

From: Technotranscendence (neptune@mars.superlink.net)
Date: Fri Aug 25 2000 - 15:11:06 MDT

LEF Email List1 - http://www.lef.org


replacement fails to protect heart patients; PROTOCOLS: Female Hormone
Modulation Therapy, Male Hormone Modulation Therapy; LIFE EXTENSION
MAGAZINE, August 2000: Hormone replacement and heightened cancer risk;

Estrogen replacement fails to protect heart patients

The lead article in this week's (August 24, 2000) New England Journal of
Medicine reiterates what we've been hearing for months now: hormone
replacement therapy in women may not protect against the progression of
cardiovascular disease.

Studies reported in the news recently have warned that hormone replacement
therapy (HRT) can lead to a woman's increased chances of breast cancer.
Physicians have known that HRT could increase the risk of breast cancer,
but have stressed its supposed heart protective benefit as justifying that
risk. Heart disease is the number one killer of women in this country,
followed by cancer, with breast cancer being among the most common types
of cancer experienced by women.

In an attempt to confirm findings of a previous study, researchers
conducting the Estrogen Replacement and Atherosclerosis trial assigned 309
women with coronary disease either 0.625 mg of conjugated estrogen daily,
estrogen plus 2.5 mg of synthetic progesterone, or a placebo. The women
were followed for a mean 3.2 years. Although the women receiving the
hormones experienced lower LDL and higher HDL levels which have been
correlated with a lower incidence of heart disease, coronary angiograms
taken before and after treatment did not show a significant difference in
the progression of atherosclerosis between the groups, nor was there a
significant difference in the amount of cardiovascular events experienced.

The abstract concluded with the statement, "These results suggest that
such women should not use estrogen replacement with an expectation of
cardiovascular benefit." The authors added that it is unknown whether
estrogen replacement could effect the development of primary coronary
artery disease. They speculate that estrogen's benefit in preventing
atherosclerosis could be offset by its promotion of inflammation, and
refer to several studies that show an elevation in C-reactive protein in
women using both estrogen alone or combined with progestins, which is
associated with increased inflammation and an elevated risk of
cardiovascular events.

Female Hormone Modulation Therapy

Concern about the life-threatening side effects of synthetic hormone drugs
has caused many women to be deprived of the benefits of safe natural
hormone replacement therapy.

Proper hormone modulation can prevent degenerative disease and improve
functioning in both the physical and emotional spheres of life, both at
menopause and throughout life. For example, many sexual "dysfunctions,"
including lack of desire, can be mitigated when hormone levels are
naturally restored to a youthful profile.

Starting around age 45 to 50, women face a perplexing dilemma regarding
estrogen, one of the primary sex hormones. The amount of estrogen
naturally produced by their bodies dwindles. This estrogen deficiency
causes a wide variety of menopausal miseries, including hot flashes,
depression, vaginal dryness, anxiety, and forgetfulness.

The following nutrients and drugs are suggested to restore hormone balance
in aging women or women with symtoms of an imbalance:
1. Natural progesterone cream (ProFem): Apply topically to the skin
(follow directions as outlined in this protocol).
2. Natural Estrogen: Take one capsule, 2 times a day.
3. DHEA: Take one 15 mg capsule, 1 to 2 times a day.
4. Life Extension Mix (multivitamin supplement): Take 3 tablets, 3 times a
5. Melatonin: Take 2 to 3 mg only at bedtime.
6. Consider supplementation with fish, flax, or Perilla oil to restore
fatty acid balance.
7. Consider estriol or TriEst if menopausal symptoms are not alleviated by
nonprescription therapies. Blood or saliva testing may also indicate the
need for additional estrogen or progesterone.
Blood or saliva testing after 45 days is mandatory to verify you are
taking the proper dosages.

Male Hormone Modulation Therapy

As men age past year 40, hormonal changes occur that perceptibly inhibit
physical, sexual, and cognitive function. The outward appearance of a
typical middle aged male shows increased abdominal fat and shrinkage of
muscle mass, a hallmark effect of hormone imbalance. A loss of feeling of
well being, sometimes manifesting as depression, is a common psychological
complication of hormone imbalance.

A remarkable amount of data has been compiled indicating that many of the
diseases that middle aged men begin experiencing, including depression,
abdominal weight gain, and prostate and heart disease, are directly
related to hormone imbalances that are correctable with currently
available drug and nutrient therapies. To the patient's detriment,
conventional doctors are increasingly prescribing drugs to treat
depression, elevated cholesterol, angina, and a host of other diseases
that may be caused by an underlying hormone imbalance.

If doctors checked their male patients' blood levels of estrogen,
testosterone, thyroid, and DHEA (instead of prescribing drugs to treat
symptoms), they might be surprised to learn that many problems could be
eliminated by adjusting hormone levels to fit the profile of a healthy

When embarking on a hormone modulation program, medical testing is
critical. First, a baseline blood PSA must be taken to rule out existing
prostate cancer. Then free testosterone and estradiol tests are needed to
make sure that too much testosterone is not being converted into estradiol
(estrogen). If estrogen levels are too high, the use of aromatase
inhibitors can keep testosterone from converting (aromatizing) into
estrogen in the body. Follow-up testing for estrogen, testosterone, and
PSA are needed to rule out occult prostate cancer and to fine tune your
program. It's possible that testosterone patches and creams can increase
testosterone levels too much. In that case, blood or saliva testing could
save you money by allowing you to use less of the testosterone drug.

Hormone replacement and heightened cancer risk

A NEW PIECE OF THE PUZZLE ABOUT the adverse effects of hormone replacement
therapy has emerged from a recent mainstream scientific study. Use of the
synthetic estrogen/progestin drug combination can more than double the
risk of a certain type of breast cancer in menopausal women, according to
a study completed recently at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,
in Seattle, Washington.

This is the latest in a series of studies to connect estrogen and
progestin to a heightened risk of cancer. As one bit of damning evidence
after another has emerged, even mainstream, establishment researchers have
begun to question the advisability of this astonishingly widespread

The new findings, reported in the journal Cancer (88:2570-2577, 2000),
pertain to a relatively rare form of breast cancer. But they indicated
that, in those cases, the magnitude of hazard is substantial.
Investigators focused on what is known as lobular breast cancer. This
malignancy occurs in the milk-producing lobules of the breasts and
accounts for 10% to 15% of all cases.

"Our finding is only preliminary, but it is significant on several
counts," lead researcher Christopher Li, M.D. told LIFE EXTENSION. "First,
it establishes a danger of considerable significance."


Pro Fem contains USP natural progesterone from soy. Pro Fem is used by
women to prevent osteoporosis, premenstrual syndrome, some cancers and
some of the side effects of estrogen replacement therapy. Massage into
soft tissue areas such as chest, breast, underarms, wrist, abdomen or
inner thighs and apply to a different area every day to avoid saturating
the fat cells.


Life Extension Foundation, in collaboration with American Metabolic
Laboratories, is offering the Longevity Profile for the special price of
$750.00. This is a saving of $35.00 off the regular Life Extension member
price and $504.00 off a commercial laboratory's patients' price. In
addition, to promote measures of disease prevention, when a member
requests the Longevity Profile, our staff physician will order a PSA
prostate cancer test for men, or a CA-15-3 breast cancer test for women at
no additional charge.

The Longevity Profile is the most comprehensive series of blood tests that
every individual is strongly recommended to have performed annually. It is
composed of:

Chemistry Profile and Complete Blood Count (40+ blood tests for general

Cancer Profile for possible early detection of cancer and/or followup of
therapy,including DHEA-S and TSH for thyroid function

PTH for detection of bone loss due to calcium deficiency, etc.

IGF-1 (Somatomedin) the youth hormone

Sex Hormones: Estradiol, Progesterone, Free-Testosterone,

Heart Disease Prevention markers: Homocysteine and hs-CRP

Stress Hormone tests: Cortisol a.m. and p.m.

This blood testing panel can reveal a number of developing diseases. If
abnormalities are found at an early stage, reversal can often be

The SPECIAL is effective through November 13, 2000

If you have questions concerning this ezine or other life extension
topics, email me at ddye@lifeextension.com

For longer life,

Dayna Dye
Life Extension Foundation

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