Re: Reply

From: Gina Miller (
Date: Wed Aug 23 2000 - 01:35:06 MDT

"Jamrio Miller" Wrote:

> One poster in fact goes as far as using the word "lynch". All I hear from
Mr More is I am a liar and he wants to sue me. Others want to remove the
whole thread from the archive, thereby censoring free speech. >

The world wide web has not been legislated as a forum to be considered "free
speech" by definition under the bill of rights. An email thread, message
board or web content can be monitored by it's webmasters or initiators. I
have a email thread ( ) in which I can approve (or not)
any incoming message before it is posted. I can also go into my message
board, and delete anything I want at any time. (I haven't needed to do this
in any of these forums, but it is an available option) My point? If you're
online, 'censoring free speech' is a relative term. There are even several
cases where sites have been instructed to be taken down and content be
removed. These are issues that technology has advanced beyond the current
legal standings, and how these are dealt with are yet to be seen.
However, the internet, is _not_ exempt from the current laws regarding

Gina "Nanogirl" Miller
Nanotechnology Industries
"Nanotechnology: Solutions for the future."

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