RE: GM trees

From: altamira (
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 18:13:25 MDT

Below is a request originally posted to a Tissue Culture list I'm on. I'm
passing it on to this list, since there's been some interest here in GM



Forest Research (a forestry related scientific organistaion) in New Zealand
has applied to ERMA New Zealand (Environmental Risk Management Authority)
for approval to conduct two contained field trial experiments of transgenic
radiata pine and spruce in Rotorua, New Zealand. The summaries and the full
text of the applications can be obtained from ERMA ( or
Christian Walter (
The participatory democracy advocate web site
have developed a website and electronic
submission form that allows any interested party or individual to make
submissions to the applications.
We would appreciate support for these applications from the scientific
community world wide making supporting submissions (see website mentioned
below) to ERMA (deadline is August 30, 2000).
I'd like to point out that the comments made on the website are implying
that the field trial is in association with forestry companies and
multinationals. This is not correct. The field trials are fully funded by
reserach funds provided by the New Zealand Government.

Many thanks for your support.

Christian Walter
Forest Research
New Zealand

Copy of Press release:

The participatory democracy advocate web site today
launched a new webpage to provide the public with an opportunity to
directly take part in the discussion on genetic engineering. On

it is now possible to fill out and email an online submission concerning
genetically engineered trees.

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