raising glutathione levels

From: Laeeth Is'Harc (laeeth@Avaro.com)
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 11:31:53 MDT

[Non-member submission]

> From: "CYMM" <cymm@trinidad.net>

> All I've found so far is the silybinin thing ... and that
> high dose vit E might help. If you're using high dose E,
> PLEASE take lots of other antioxidants like turmeric &
> coenzyme Q. There is such a thing as Vit E catalysed
> peroxidation.

Same warning applies to taking too much Vit C, if you are low in
glutathione. GSH is required to recycle Vit C from the oxidised form and,
if you take only vit C without addresing glutathione deficiency, you may
worsen your glutathione problem.

Not sure if I mentioned this before, but taking undenatured whey is reported
to be quite effective in restoring glutathione levels. The stuff commonly
available from health food stores as a body-building supplement has been
heat-treated, and isn't very effective. You can buy ImmunoPro from NEEDS,
or the LEF (www.lef.org) does a version (slightly weaker).

Start off with a low dose and work cautiously up. There is a transcript of
a workshop by Dr Paul Cheney discussing the use of whey at:

I believe Selenium is also required to make one of the key enzymes, so make
sure you get enough of that (not much more than 200mcg a day - toxic in
large doses).



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